Merchant Connector - List
List Merchant Connector Details for the merchant
Admin API keys allow you to perform some privileged actions such as creating a merchant account and Merchant Connector account.
Path Parameters
The unique identifier for the merchant account
Type of the Connector for the financial use case. Could range from Payments to Accounting to Banking.
, payment_vas
, fin_operations
, fiz_operations
, networks
, banking_entities
, non_banking_finance
, payout_processor
, payment_method_auth
, authentication_processor
, tax_processor
, phonypay
, fauxpay
, pretendpay
, stripe_test
, adyen_test
, checkout_test
, paypal_test
, aci
, adyen
, airwallex
, authorizedotnet
, bambora
, bamboraapac
, bankofamerica
, billwerk
, bitpay
, bluesnap
, boku
, braintree
, cashtocode
, checkout
, coinbase
, coingate
, cryptopay
, ctp_mastercard
, cybersource
, datatrans
, deutschebank
, digitalvirgo
, dlocal
, ebanx
, elavon
, fiserv
, fiservemea
, fiuu
, forte
, globalpay
, globepay
, gocardless
, gpayments
, helcim
, inespay
, iatapay
, itaubank
, jpmorgan
, klarna
, mifinity
, mollie
, moneris
, multisafepay
, netcetera
, nexinets
, nexixpay
, nmi
, noon
, novalnet
, nuvei
, opennode
, paybox
, payme
, payone
, paypal
, payu
, placetopay
, powertranz
, prophetpay
, rapyd
, razorpay
, shift4
, square
, stax
, stripe
, taxjar
, threedsecureio
, trustpay
, tsys
, volt
, wellsfargo
, wise
, worldline
, worldpay
, signifyd
, plaid
, riskified
, xendit
, zen
, zsl
Unique ID of the merchant connector account
Identifier for the profile, if not provided default will be chosen from merchant account
, active
A unique label to identify the connector account created under a profile
An object containing the details about the payment methods that need to be enabled under this merchant connector account
Details of all the payment methods enabled for the connector for the given merchant account
A boolean value to indicate if the connector is in Test mode. By default, its value is false.
A boolean value to indicate if the connector is disabled. By default, its value is false.
Contains the frm configs for the merchant connector
Details of FrmConfigs are mentioned here... it should be passed in payment connector create api call, and stored in merchant_connector_table
, AX
, AL
, DZ
, AS
, AD
, AO
, AI
, AQ
, AG
, AR
, AM
, AW
, AU
, AT
, AZ
, BS
, BH
, BD
, BB
, BY
, BE
, BZ
, BJ
, BM
, BT
, BO
, BQ
, BA
, BW
, BV
, BR
, IO
, BN
, BG
, BF
, BI
, KH
, CM
, CA
, CV
, KY
, CF
, TD
, CL
, CN
, CX
, CC
, CO
, KM
, CG
, CD
, CK
, CR
, CI
, HR
, CU
, CW
, CY
, CZ
, DK
, DJ
, DM
, DO
, EC
, EG
, SV
, GQ
, ER
, EE
, ET
, FK
, FO
, FJ
, FI
, FR
, GF
, PF
, TF
, GA
, GM
, GE
, DE
, GH
, GI
, GR
, GL
, GD
, GP
, GU
, GT
, GG
, GN
, GW
, GY
, HT
, HM
, VA
, HN
, HK
, HU
, IS
, IN
, ID
, IR
, IQ
, IE
, IM
, IL
, IT
, JM
, JP
, JE
, JO
, KZ
, KE
, KI
, KP
, KR
, KW
, KG
, LA
, LV
, LB
, LS
, LR
, LY
, LI
, LT
, LU
, MO
, MK
, MG
, MW
, MY
, MV
, ML
, MT
, MH
, MQ
, MR
, MU
, YT
, MX
, FM
, MD
, MC
, MN
, ME
, MS
, MA
, MZ
, MM
, NA
, NR
, NP
, NL
, NC
, NZ
, NI
, NE
, NG
, NU
, NF
, MP
, NO
, OM
, PK
, PW
, PS
, PA
, PG
, PY
, PE
, PH
, PN
, PL
, PT
, PR
, QA
, RE
, RO
, RU
, RW
, BL
, SH
, KN
, LC
, MF
, PM
, VC
, WS
, SM
, ST
, SA
, SN
, RS
, SC
, SL
, SG
, SX
, SK
, SI
, SB
, SO
, ZA
, GS
, SS
, ES
, LK
, SD
, SR
, SJ
, SZ
, SE
, CH
, SY
, TW
, TJ
, TZ
, TH
, TL
, TG
, TK
, TO
, TT
, TN
, TR
, TM
, TC
, TV
, UG
, UA
, AE
, GB
, UM
, UY
, UZ
, VU
, VE
, VN
, VG
, VI
, WF
, EH
, YE
, ZM
, ZW
, US
The business label to which the connector account is attached. To be deprecated soon. Use the 'profile_id' instead
The business sublabel to which the connector account is attached. To be deprecated soon. Use the 'profile_id' instead
identifier for the verified domains of a particular connector account